Introduction to WorkSpace

Introduction to WorkSpace


Workspace is where owners, administrators, publishers, and editors access to manage APIs.

In this section, you can find the workspace documentation.

We suggest reading What are data resources.

If you were unable to access it, please read Workspace sign in.

Workspace sections

The Workspace allows an organization to fully control the process of publishing data resources and APIs, from its collection and resource production to its revision and publication.

Entering the Workspace, the user finds a summary of the recently carried out activity by the organization and a list of enabled options.

In addition, according to its role, it could access the options for creating, editing, or publishing resources and APIs, or manage the configuration of the users and the publication process.

The process of publishing data resources and APIs are managed by a workflow based on roles and revisions.

  • Home page: the section contains a list of recent activities of the date and time of the last change in resources created.

  • Data sources: this section allows you to configure read or write data sources. You can create data views from the data sources and then create methods of APIs.

  • Viewsdata views allow you to select and transform the collected data, configure parameter validations and relate different sources according to the implementation environment (production, testing and production).

  • APIs: APIs section allows you to create APIs, manage multiple versions, configure limits, monitoring and privacy, among other options. API methods connect to data views.

  • Statistics: There's a Dashboard with account statistics and APIs usage.

  • Configurations: the section contains Account information, allows you to assign roles and create new users, configure the appearance of the developer portal, configures domains, manages resources, categories, and other configurations.

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