What is a data view

What is a data view


The platform does not require an off-line ETL process to extract data from the origins, but associated with the view, find a set of rules that the data engine interprets for check the source on demand or periodically, extract the data updated and implement the changes that are required before deliver it.

In this respect, the views are an abstract of the source format. Regardless of the origin of the data, these would be tabulated and shown in a table so that they can then be exposed in APIs.

View functionality allows Workspace users to create, edit, delete and publish views on data sources collected. It has a WYSIWYG tool that allows Publishers to create data views from a data source, without the need for advanced programming knowledge.

Publishers can also send one or more views for revision by publishers or administrators. Review the life cycle and role-based publishing flow.

Data view configuration

Selection of data

During the creation, users select the rows, columns or cells of a data source that would then be available in the creation of the API method.

To select the entire table you must click on the first cell in the table, the upper-left corner.

If you want to select or reorder some columns, you should click on each of them. You can also click on the rows to apply the selection.


The functionality of Selecting the headers of the table allows you to define what headers or subjects would be.

If the headers were informed at the data source, you could select the first row and edit their values if required.

If the headers were not informed at the data source, they could add them.

Add alias

Aliases make it possible to define custom names for columns, irrespective of the item or header.

You could then refer the columns of the data view in the templates of methods using their alias, rather than position.

Filter the data

If the data source does not contain pairs or mapping that have been inherited in the data view, or if it requires refining data filtering, you can add new filters to the data.

Filters can be static or dynamic.

To add a filter you must:
  1. Select the column you would apply to
  2. The type of operation (Same as, Not equal to, Contains any, etc.)
  3. Operating: Fixed value allows you to enter a fixed value by which to filter the data, without exposing this filter as a parameter of the method, whileParameterallows you to enter a name, description, default value and validation rules.

Configure data type and column format

Configuration of data types and formats allows for transformations to column data.

To apply a format you should:
  1. Select the column.
  2. Define the type of data.
  3. Configure the format and patron of the origin, that is, what you see on screen.
  4. Configure the output format


For number formats, you should consider:
  1. The format and patronage of the origin, indicate whether or not their data is decimal and which are the separators of thousands and decimal.
  2. The format and output patron, that is, he wants the data to be displayed.
  3. The location, where the separators of thousands and decimal separators would be applied as selected.


For date formats, you should consider:
  1. The format and patronage of the origin selected some of those available or entered a custom format.
  2. The format and output patron, that is, he wants the data to be displayed.


If the cells in the column contain a JSON object, you should apply the JSON format to the column containing them. If it does not, the contents of the cell would be treated as text instead of a JSON object.

Group by columns

The functionality of Group by columns allows aggregations of unique values from one or more columns, and calculations (AVG, SUM, COUNT).

To carry out groupings you should:
  1. Select the columns on which to apply the group, and click Done.
  2. The option ofCalculate aggregate values on columns where you could define Operation (Count, Sum, Average), select the column on which to apply the operation and enter a column name. You can make calculations on multiple columns.

Calculate values on rows

The functionality of Calculate values on rows allows the application of circles horizontally, i.e. in the direction of rows.

To carry out groupings you should:
  1. Select operation: sum, subtraction or divide.
  2. Select the first column of the operation.
  3. Select the second column of the operation.

Vertical search

The functionality of Vertical search allows you to add a new column in the current view by searching for data in another data view. This functionality is similar to Excel XLookUp.

To apply a vertical search you should:
  1. Select the data view you want to relate.
  2. Select the column to search for identifiers matching the current data view.
  3. Select match operation.
  4. Select the column from search date.
  5. Select the column with value to be returned in case of coincidence

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