How to set up multi-environment in data views

How to set up multi-environment in data views


The platform makes it possible to configure multiple environments for APIs methods.

Multi-environment is configured at the data view level. Different data sources that correspond to each environment can be selected in the data view.

For example, you can select a source from CSV file for the development environment, a web test service for the staging environment and a productive web service for the production environment.

The implementation of the origins would take place when the methods were implemented through different domains.

The following diagram explains the operation.

Under configuration methods, you should previously create the data sources you would use for each implementation environment.

You should then create a view from any of these sources, and in the third step select the data sources that correspond to each environment.

You can select the same source for different environments. You could always edit the data view and modify the source that corresponds to each environment.

Once you have saved the data view, you could run it in each environment. To do this, you must click on the environments under the heading "Environment". In doing so, the corresponding origin would be executed.

The next step is to Create the method and select this data view.

Once the method was published, it could be executed in different environments using the domain defined for each of them.

Domains are configured in the Settings section.

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