Data sources from SOAP/xml web services
The SOAP/XML web services connector offers all the necessary capabilities to connect to these types of sources. This option allows collecting data from SOAP/XML web services or configuring writing actions, for then creating data views and exhibiting them in the API methods.
To connect to a web service, you must go to Data Sources > From Web Service > SOAP/XML
Basic configuration
It is mandatory to complete the following data:
- Origin: is the URL or endpoint of your web service
- Method: Name of the method. It is the label below the Body label.
- Namespace: It is the nameSpace of your web service. It is indicated in the xmlns attribute of the method.
- Parameters: These are the referral parameters to the web service. They are the labels within the requested method, the label name is the parameter name, while their value is the parameter value. You can define these parameters as editable for exposing them in the method, or non-editable to avoid their exposure.
Some web services have a list of values within a parameter. This is identified by new labels within the label representing the parameter. To work with value lists, you should enter the top label as a parameter name and its values under the structure LIST({"VALOR1","VALOR2"})

You can obtain this data from the web service "wsdl" (Web Services Description Language). In general, you can access the wsdl by adding "?wsdl" to your endpoint or URL.
Advanced configuration
In Advanced configuration, you can add other parameters in the case where they are necessary to access the service.
Route to data
Allows you to access the requested data table by indicating the XML attribute name.
If authentication is necessary, you could enter the user name and contrast. These parameters must be entered in accordance with case studies.
This information is usually found on the same site from where it is desired obtain information or in the WSDL. You can also consult the administratorof the system responsible for web services.

Consider that SOAP may require user submission and contradictory as parameters of the query, and not as authentication credentials.
Effective advice
For SOAP/XML-type web services take into account:

The answer should be a swift XML. We support SOAP 1.2 web services. The default tables should be informed in the item, although if you wish you can specify a different item name in the path-to-data field.
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