Data sources from Dropbox

Data sources from Dropbox


The platform allows you to collect data from files hosted in Dropbox using your API.

The advantage of this data source is that when the file hosted on Dropbox is changed, the platform would detect the change and update its data automatically, without editing the resources from the workspace.

Configure integration

Settings in Dropbox

To enable the data source module from Dropbox you must log in to your Dropbox account and follow these steps:

Go to and click on the button Create app.

Then, you need to select the highlighted options in the image:

  1. Chose an API:Scoped access
  2. Choose the type of access you need:Full Dropbox
  3. Name your app:My App(or the name you decide)
  4. You must accept the terms and conditions,
  5. Finally, click on the buttonCreate app.

Then I would see the following. To generate the token key, you must click on the button Generate as highlighted in the picture:

By clicking on the button, Dropbox would generate a token key.

Copy that key and save it in a safe place.

Configure integration in Workspace

Head to Workspace, Settings > Integrations. Paste the key obtained into the "Dropbox token" field and save the changes.

Create data source from Dropbox

Once the Dropbox token is enter, the Create Data Source option from Dropbox would be enabled.

First, you need to locate the file in your Dropbox account and extract the path to the file. In this example, the path to the file is/Documents/files/accounts.csv.

That route must be written in the route field.

You should then complete the metadata and save the data source.

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