To set the data source you must go to Workspace > data > From file.
In the second step, you must complete the item and description so that you can then recognize your data source. In addition, you can select a category to organize your data sources.
Create data view
Data views allow you to select, transform your data and configure parameter validations.
Once the data source is created, select Create View > Using a Wizard.
When you create the data view, this screen would be displayed. For Excel files, such as this example, you could select the table or sheet on which the data view would operate.
Select the entire table by clicking on the cell in the upper-left corner.
Select the first row as headers and edit their names. Header selection is important to differentiate it from the rest of the data and to be able to do a different treatment when constructing your API response.
Add data filters over data view columns. For example, select Column B, type of operation and operator Parameter.
It then defines the name of the parameter, which would be the name of the API method. You can add a description and a default value.
In addition, you can add validation rules on values, to indicate whether it should be text, number or date, with different configuration options in each case.
If you want to set up a wildcard as the default value, you must enter an asterisk value in square brackets: [*]
Once you have selected the entire table, the headers and added the data filters would display all the settings on the left.
Now, click Continue and modify metadata: in this case, we modify the metadata of the data source to clearly represent the configuration of the data view.
In this example we will use a single source of data for API environments, but remember that you can configure different data sources for each environment by setting up the data view. Know
set up the multi-environmental.